Aged Care Exterior Cleaning In Sydney

Aged Care Exterior Cleaning In Sydney

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Aged Care Exterior Cleaning In Sydney

At Klean Kingdom, we recognise the unique challenges that come with cleaning facilities such as aged care living residences and how these differ from other commercial premises. Through our extensive experience, we have successfully navigated these challenges on numerous occasions. We take pride in establishing long-term partnerships with and aged care facilities, providing regular cleaning and maintenance services. Our goal is to make your aged care facility shine, creating a clean and welcoming environment for all. As business managers you can relax knowing that our professional team is working hard to ensure your property looks as best as possible.

Aged Care Cleaning In Sydney

Many seniors live in an aged care facility because they are already experiencing an illness of some kind. Exposing these residents to bacteria aggravates the situation and causes further health problems. Aged care sanitizing in Sydney is critical to keeping staff healthy as well as residents. Exercising good hygiene practices will reduce the risk of infection.

  • Clean and sanitise all high-touch areas within a facility regularly. For areas where bacteria thrive, such as kitchen counters, bathroom basins, and toilets, clean the space using specific cleansers that can eliminate all bacteria. Clean these areas daily and engage in sanitising a minimum of once per week. Always sanitise cooking surfaces such as kitchen counters in between meal preparations.

  • Bacteria can live on personal items long enough to cause a second outbreak, which is the last thing that you want in an aged care facility. The removal and cleaning of bed sheets should occur regularly. Items such as toothbrushes must be changed if there is an illness circulating.

The cleaning of an aged care facility, a location where resident's lives are at stake during an outbreak of any kind, requires the services of a qualified company. This company must be certified to demonstrate that they are aware of the level of cleanliness that the facility must achieve.

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